Monday, December 12, 2011

I suck at this

Ok ok ok... I know all of you are mad at me for totally sucking at keeping up to date with this blog.  I promise this will all change.  As many of you may know, PJ, Samantha and I (and the dogs) are relocating to North Carolina!  PJ is already down there, somewhat unpacked, and today is his first day at his new job.  He is working for RCR Racing.  To all you NON-Nascar fans, that's Richard Childress Racing.  Go ahead and google it. :)  I had too.  He will be doing the design, printing and installation of the NASCAR graphics for this racing team.  Regardless of how you feel about NASCAR, that's pretty cool!! 
I've been looking for jobs, applying, etc.. nothing yet, so with that being said, this blog will be updated MUCH more often.  My goal is to update this at least twice a week.  I will not be down there until the week after Christmas.  So please be patient with me!!

I will definitely be uploading Christmas pictures as soon as possible.  In the meantime, I'll add two pictures that I've taken with my phone.  Just to hold you over.

To catch you up just a bit....
November FLEW by.  Poor Samantha was sick for pretty much all of it.  She had bronchitis and a sinus infection.  She was on a nebulizer.  It broke my heart.  She was so good though.  She remained relatively happy during the whole sickness.  She is now with Grandma (miranda) every day until I move.  She's having a great time and boy is she getting big!

I miss all of you.. please follow the blog so you don't miss any updates from us!
Merry Christmas!