Sunday, January 15, 2012

My first North Carolina post

Ok, so, like I promised.  I will be updating the blog more often.  I'm still getting settled and half my clothes are still in bins.  It's challenging to put everything away when it's just Samantha and I at home.  I haven't been very adventerous yet either.  I have to admit, Im intimidated by Salisbury.  There are some questionable parts :)  I just have to learn where they are.
I'm going to set small goals... such as, go to the visitor center on Monday or Tuesday.  I figure that may be a good place to start to see what this town has to offer.  There are no mommy groups, at least not registered.  Everyone in our apartment complex works, go figure, so I can't meet anyone during the day either.  Making friends when you're 31... difficult haha.  I've only been here a week and a half.. so plenty of time.
In the meantime.. here are some pictures of Samantha.  Can you believe she will be 7 months old this week!  Holy crap.  I've also added a picture of PJ and what he's doing at his new job. :) Also, the last one on this page is a video of Samantha playing soccer.. you'll see what I mean.