Wednesday, February 22, 2012

First trip home = first trip on an airplane

Well, Samantha and I took a short visit back to NY. It was her first time on an airplane, and as you can imagine, I was an absolute nervous wreck. I didn't want to be the mom with a screaming baby. I also wanted to make sure that Samantha's ears didn't get plugged. I planned our flight for late at night in the hopes she would pass out as soon as we took off. I had a bottle ready.. But while we were taxiing (sp?) she started to lose it. I did my best to wait until we were taking off and then I stuck the bottle in her mouth and by the time we were 1/2 way up, she had finished. I made the quick transition to binky and BAM!!! She was out. Then the psycho nervous side of me got worried because she went out so fast I was convinced the cabin pressure got to her or something. So, I proceeded to pick her up, shake her a bit, poke her until she managed to open a very tired eye. you should've seen the guy next to me, I can only imagine what he was thinking. (quick back story.. PJ upgraded us to 1st class in hopes of us being more comfortable, with more room. So I was sat next to "Mr. Businessman USA" that had every techno gadget imaginable. I had to know how important he was. I get it dude, anyways...) So, after checking to see if Samantha was conscious.. She went right back to sleep and stayed that way until the lights came on at the terminal. I am sorry to say I didn't take Any pictures on the way there or back because my hands were full and I was too nervous to be fumbling with my phone. The plane ride back was a bit different. We were in coach but they switched seats around so we had the seat next to us free, thank god. She didn't do as well on this flight because it was earlier (715pm). She got very fussy but I gave her a bottle, then fussy again and fought going to sleep. Finally went down for an hour. She was up the last 20-25 minutes. A nice guy three rows back played peekaboo with her.. He was a saint because that kept her attention the remainder of the flight.
So all in all she did well. :). Here are some pics of her back in NY. Sorry again about none on the plane, I did keep her boarding pass!
Also.. I added a picture of boomer because we got to see him too :)

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Some updated photos!

Can you believe she'll be 8 months old this week? Here are some photos taken in the last couple weeks, enjoy!

Samantha & the laptop

Samantha has been having more and more of an interest in the computer.  Maybe it's pure curiousity but I think it's because we skype with Grandma (miranda) almost every day.  Im starting to believe that she thinks Grandma lives in the computer.  Haha, I wonder if she'll be confused when we come back to NY to visit this week.  Should be interesting.
Anyways, enjoy this little video PJ shot of her using our laptop.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Samantha.... CRAWLING!!!!!!

Samantha learned how to crawl!  Just shy of turning 8 months!  I am so proud of her.  We caught her first long crawl on video.  Please enjoy as much as we did!!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Superbowl Pre-game!

We all know that PJ was going to put Samantha in her Brady jersey. Here are some pics and pre-game festivities for Samantha :)